Oct 10, 2008

starbucks city mug

Hi guys! I just wanna show you one of my collections that I have in life. I started collecting this mug when I went to Singapore (2005). At first, I dont like the idea of collecting mugs but when one of my friend Sally went to store and bought her mug I thought it would be a wonderful souvenir. A remembrance for every country that I have visited so now everytime I travel abroad it's a must that I should look and buy for my Starbucks City mug. Some of this mugs were given from my dear friends as my "pasalubong". Got 14 mugs so far...
  1. Hongkong

  2. Macau

  3. Shenzhen

  4. Guangzhou

  5. Chicago

  6. Japan

  7. Singapore

  8. Malaysia

  9. Bangkok

  10. Manila

  11. Cebu

  12. Shanghai

  13. Kuwait

  14. UAE


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