Have you ever heard the Coffee Alamid or Kape Alamid? It is the most expensive coffee in the world, selling for US$1,000 a kilo. The name of the coffee takes from wild civet locally known as alamid. It is also known as Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). The coffee undergone extreme process. The alamid eat the berries, but the beans inside pass through their system undigested. It is said that inside the stomach of the alamid, the enzymes add to the coffee's flavor by breaking down the proteins that give the coffee the bitter taste. After it is being excreted, it will be washed and then roasted and sold. It is found all over the Philippines where the forests are lush, coffee beans grow and civets thrive.
In Indonesia they called Kopi Luwak while inVietnam they have similar type of coffee, called weasel coffee, which is made from coffee bearies which have been reurgitated by local weasels, local version of Asian Palm Civet.
In Indonesia they called Kopi Luwak while inVietnam they have similar type of coffee, called weasel coffee, which is made from coffee bearies which have been reurgitated by local weasels, local version of Asian Palm Civet.